Friday, September 9, 2011

Ladies Night

Last week, I met up with some girlfriends for "Ladies Night".  Once a month, we get together at a local restaurant for dinner, drinks, and laughter.  With over 30 women on the email list, we never know who is coming or what kind of evening to expect.  This makes it even more fun.

This time we met at a Mediterranean restaurant.  With 10 ladies at one long table, there were several discussions going on.  The conversation went something like this...

"So, what have you been up to?" asked the lawyer.
"Cleaning out my house and getting it ready to sell,"  I responded.
"Oh, wow.  Where are you moving?" said the yogi.
"Ecuador," I said with a big smile.
"Why Ecuador?" asked the yogi's friend from CT.
"There are a whole lot of reasons."  I said.
"Wait, where is Ecuador?  Is that tropical?" asked the yogi.

 As I tried to explain Ecuador's location, topography, climate, etc., the questions just kept coming out.

"What does your family think about you moving?"
"Is that in the jungle?"
"Are you going with the Peace Corps?"
"What does your husband think?"
"Are you taking the dogs?"
"How big are the bugs there?"
"What time zone is that in?"
"Do they have good shopping?"
"Can you drink the water?"
"Do they have health care there?"
"How long is the flight?"
"What will you do there?"
"Won't you be bored there?"
"Aren't you afraid to move?"
"Isn't that a third world country?"
"Are you going to be a missionary?"
"What if you don't like it?"
"What are you going to do with all your stuff?"

Just as the conversation started to settle and turn to half-marathons, someone from the other end of the table blurted, "Wait a minute, who's moving where?"

And so the peppering of questions started again...

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